...you won't be seeing it until 2020. NOW LET ME EXPLAIN.
I'm not exactly old enough yet for my own credit card. I need to be at least 18 to own my own credit card and, knowing my mom and dad, they probably won't let me use theirs. So, anyways, what is this Kickstarter about?
An iOS port of Sticky the Stickman. The funding requirment is £130 (or $220.54 for 'murika.) and, depending on how much money I get to fund it, bonus things will be added to the iOS edition. Unfortunately, no Android version, because that looks complicated as hell. I'd appreciate some help, but for now....meh. So see you in 6 years when this Kickstarter debut.
EDIT 06/07/2018 - turns out you can get a credit card at 15. lol totally setting up the kickstarter now
EDIT 25/05/2019 - 1 year hype boys we're almost there
I'll be waiting. Try not to die!. :)
update, not dead yet
i think